Hi girls!
I've bought before about a month ago the alverde gel eyeliner and he first tested and compared with other eyeliners.
Now for a little while to gel Eylin Review:
The eyeliner has cost about 3 € and the brushes them about 2 €. The gel-like consistency (who knew? ;-)) And extremely soft. When I tried out the first time I was totally surprised that this stuff is so soft and so creamy, I expected that the eyeliner is a bit harder. But this makes
cermige consistency in any case, the application, so this is definitely a plus.
is, however, the application of a fine eyeliner brush with the matter of practice. I have a couple of practice times must I lie to get it.
What I like best about this gel eyeliner is the shelf life, whether with or without base, he really holds all day without smudging to whether in the university or the disco.
My conclusion:
I can recommend this product in any case. Soon I will go get the other two colors. However, I am going to make the search for a different brush, since one of the alverde sometimes need really added a lot of patience to get fine lines.
I'll be straight on with my little Insight
So I created the gel eyeliner with the eyeliner and liquid eyeliner by comparing crystal essence.
Here are
first Swatches:
The first line from above, with the gel eyeliner, which is in the center of the crystal Eylin and Lower dash of liquid Eylin.
In the photo you can see that the liquid is slightly darker than the Eylin gel eyeliner. The gel eyeliner but not quite as deep black is covered at all on when you wear the, which is noticeable only in direct comparison. The crystal is pigmented eyeliner
totally bad, but it really shines for this totally beautiful on the lids (I can still recommend it further as he beat on the eye glistens beautifully). If I use the crystal eyeliner, I'm always the first an eyeliner with black eyeliner and then draw a line again with the eyeliner (just as if no tip).
As for applying liquid eyeliner I find the best. He has a very fine, flexible brush and allows you to really draw very thin lines. The brush of the crystal eyeliner is not as flexible and not quite as fine as that of the liquid eyeliner. Well and as for the gel eyeliner, which I've reported a bit further up, it is somewhat difficult to draw thin lines with the brush of Alverde. The brush is very thick but very soft and it wears out very quickly, so that the lines are very irregular.
Now I'm almost finished. Only my "acid test":
The first line from the left is the gel eyeliner in the middle of the liquid eyeliner, and the last line is the Crytal eyeliner (not umidity wonder why they are not in the same Reihemfolge, as in the photo above, which is another Swatch, I've come up with the idea later)
I applied the eyeliner to dry them collected. After that, I'm using the hand just slipped over the eyeliner. And you can see quite clearly that the gel eyeliner from Alverde has problems, has not entirely liquid Eylin survived so very unique, but one must say in his defense, something that I have applied much of that. Well, and the crystal eyeliner that has totally cut off badly (I had not expected, since he also holds the eyelid not very long)
That's now my first of,
Best regards
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